The Roger Casement Summer School 2018 on video.
Ossian Smyth introduces the Casement Summer School 2018
with all other available videos as direct links to the RCSS YouTube channel.
Session 3 Friday 31st of August
Chair: Justine McCarthy
Martina Devlin / Alice Milligan
Angus Mitchell on Alice Stopford Green
Session 4 Saturday 1st of September
Chair: Liz Gillis
Casement & Morel – World War 1914-18
Donald Mitchel on E.D. Morel
Neil Faulkner on Roger Casement
Session 5 Saturday 1st of September
Chair: Mary Lawlor
Hadeel Buqrais on Kuwait / Lana Ramadan on Palestine
Chair: Justine McCarthy
Martina Devlin / Alice Milligan
Angus Mitchell on Alice Stopford Green
Session 4 Saturday 1st of September
Chair: Liz Gillis
Casement & Morel – World War 1914-18
Donald Mitchel on E.D. Morel
Neil Faulkner on Roger Casement
Session 5 Saturday 1st of September
Chair: Mary Lawlor
Hadeel Buqrais on Kuwait / Lana Ramadan on Palestine